3 Ways Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty in New Jersey is Giving Patients a Fresh Outlook for the Future

If you live in New Jersey or anywhere throughout the greater Delaware Valley and you’re experiencing severe knee pain due to advanced osteoarthritis in both knees, you’ll be glad to know that this article contains good news for you! There’s a solution for your pain, an answer for the immobility that’s plagued your daily life...there’s an opportunity for a better future. And it starts at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. 

At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we take patients who need bilateral total knee arthroplasty in New Jersey and we connect them with the world’s top knee physicians to ensure the best possible patient outcomes. We focus on educating our patients and we keep them involved and informed through each step of the process. We use only the most advanced technology and techniques and our surgeons are known throughout the country and around the world for their pioneering efforts in advancing the hip and knee field.
Who Should Get Bilateral Knee Replacement?
If you’re experiencing regular and debilitating pain in both knees, you may be a good candidate for bilateral total knee arthroplasty in New Jersey. When the pain associated with advanced arthritis limits your ability to perform everyday activities or if your knees are beginning to suffer from visible deformity, it’s time to talk to a knee specialist about joint replacement as a solution.
On the other hand, if you have an active infection, are suffering from neurological damage in your legs, have a cardiac, lung or vascular disorder or are older than 80 years of age, you may not be an ideal candidate for this procedure. For expert insight and a recommended treatment approach, make an appointment to see a physician at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute.
3 Benefits of Bilateral Knee Arthroplasty in New Jersey
  1. Pain Relief: Of course, the most desired and most obvious result of knee replacement surgery is pain relief. When a new, prosthetic joints replace your damaged bone and cartilage, the pain of bone-on-bone contact is eliminated and general discomfort in the knees is significantly reduced.
  2. Restored Mobility: Equally as important is the fact that knee replacement surgery results in improved mobility and allows patients the opportunity to rebuild strength and range of motion that they may not have experienced in years! The artificial joints come complete with high grade plastic pieces that act as cartilage would - enabling the joint to move with a seamless, smooth, gliding motion.
  3. Regained Independence & Confidence: Because bilateral knee arthroplasty gets patients back to a productive, mobile, pain free lifestyle, it also promotes their ability to care for themselves independently. Additionally, it protects against the onset of deformity, which can occur in arthritic knees that are left untreated.
While the above mentioned points are applicable to all knee replacement procedures, there is one important benefit that is specific only to simultaneous bilateral knee arthroplasties.Because a simultaneous procedure occurs when both knee joints are replaced on the same day, under the same anesthesia and within the same hospital stay, the patient gets the benefit of having everything done with one surgical event, rather than having two separate surgeries and recovery periods.
Simultaneous arthroplasty is not the right choice for everyone, but a consultation with your surgeon can help determine whether this may be a good treatment approach for your specific case. 
Taking the Next Step
You’ve often dreamed of returning to the healthy, active lifestyle you once maintained, but maybe you never knew that bilateral knee replacement could be a possibility for you. We’re here to tell you that you don’t have to live with debilitating knee pain when incredible advancements in surgical solutions are available right here at your local branch of Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. Bilateral total knee arthroplasty in New Jersey could be just the solution you’ve been looking for! 
If you’re not yet convinced, consider these important statistics:
  • With more than 9,000 surgeries performed annually, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute’s joint replacement team is the premier provider of orthopedic care in New Jersey.
  • Our knee replacement patients enjoy a success rate of over 95% after fifteen years!

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